Saturday, August 16, 2008


Memo to the dude who lived in my apartment before me:

Attention, Michael H:

I found $2.00 in change jammed inside the washer. Four quarters, nine damned dimes, a nickel, and five pennies. Homeslice, how did you not notice this? Did you not hear the incessant jingle every time you took a load out?* Anyway, thanks for the free two bucks. Also, you really need to update the gas company as to your present whereabouts.

Coming soon: utter failures in short story publishing.

*This sounds like filthy slang for something.


Andrew S. said...

Good to see you in the blogosphere, Will. Maybe now we can network and find synergies within our influence spheres.

Will said...

Sweet! We can form a giant, bloggy Voltron.